Association Payments
Here are some ways that you can make your association payment:
> Log onto your homeowner portal at http://portal.wcmanagement.info
> Click the green “Make a Payment” button.
> Choose from the following payment options:
Auto Draft: Have your account drafted each month for the Association payment due. Payments are deducted on the 5th of each month. If that date falls on a weekend or holiday, the account will be debited on the next business day.
[Note: Account must have a zero balance before this can be set up.]
Alliance Pay: You will be directed to the Alliance Bank payment site. From this site you will be able to:
Set up an account to retain payment history and schedule payments.
Make a one-time payment:
eCheck: Make a one-time electronic funds transfer by ACH debit from a checking or savings account at any US financial institution. No convenience fee applies when payments are made online by eCheck.
Debit/Credit Card: Make a one-time payment via Debit/Credit card payment. Note that a convenience fee will be charged.
When paying by check
• Make your check payable to: Bayou Club Community Association.
• Do not include nonpayment correspondence when mailing your payment.
• Mail your check, payable to your Association, and mailed to the Association’s bank directly: PO Box 620924, Orlando, FL 32862-0924
Online via your bank’s bill pay provider
If you use an online bill pay provider, make your payment well in advance of the due date and use the account number listed on the payment coupon. This number, unique to each property address and payment obligation, is required to post payments.
• Make your check payable to: Bayou Club Community Association.
• Set up your payments to be mailed to the Association’s bank directly: PO Box 620924 Orlando, FL 32862-0924
In-person payment
You may drop off a check to one of these office locations:
Westcoast Management Tampa Office
10502 N. Dale Mabry Hwy, Tampa, FL 33618 (directly behind Einstein Bros Bagels)
Westcoast Management St Pete Office
St. Pete office: 5746 1st Ave, N, St. Pete, FL 33710
Bayou Club® Community Office
7979 Bayou Club Blvd, Largo, FL 33777
[Note: payments brought into the office will post the following business day.]
If you have any other questions about your dues, please email: hoa@wcmanagement.info. Make sure you provide your property address. A member of our Accounting team will respond as quickly as possible.
If you need any help finding your Bill Pay, Serial or Unit Number please call the BCCA office at 727-399-9672.